Contact this Expert
3+ Years
Data Analyst, NLP Engineer
ISsoft, Macrocenter
Industry: IT & Software, Finance, Human Resources
Specialization: Anomaly Detection, Natural Language Processing
Minsk, Belarus
Tech Stack: Scikit-learn, XGboost, Catboost, NLTK, Transformers, Torchtext, Fasttext, Gensim, SpaCy, OpenCV, Keras, Tensorflow, Pytorch, Torchvision, Pillow, Eviews, Jdemetra, Prophet, GluontTS, ETNA, Darts
Expert’s cases:
Rewriting Matlab trading simulation on Python
Speed up of the Simulation ~1.8 times.
Implementation of Matlab behavior during training/evaluation, on Python (Metrics, inputs, outpus, etc.)
UI creation for BI dashboards
Data validation
Notebook creation for two special structure comparison
Performed Machine Translation from different languages to English
Performed Resume Classification by department
Implementation of Resume NER
Created reports on training, validation; statistics before training
Performed Sentiment Analysis on people’s reviews and matching the results with their rates
EDA of existing dataset
Performed Data Labeling (We don’t know for sure whether the reviews positive or negative)
Сlustering of vector representations of reviews