

Contact this Expert

5+ Years

RecSys Engineer, NLP Engineer

Avito, Tinkoff

Industry: IT & Software, Finance, Media and Entertainment

Specialization: Anomaly Detection, Fraud Detection, Natural Language Processing, Recommendation Systems

Moscow, Russia


Expert’s cases:

  1. Working in the antifraud team.

  2. Worked in RecSys Lab. Was solving the cold start problem with the help of inductive and semi-personalized recommendation models.

  3. Was involved in building models for internal audit purposes. During work, constructed a model for detecting anomalies among cars sold by the bank and developed pipelines for fraud detection.

  4. Was a co-founder of a project devoted to interactive audio guides. Our goal was to bring art in accessible language to every corner of the CIS. In order to achieve this goal I created a full-fledged service on the platform of a Telegram-bot.